Form No. 5900-1
(Rev. 7/08)
Bryan “Flexible Water Tube”
Boiler Comparison Guide
Flexible Tube Steel Boilers
Firetube Steel Boilers
Cast Iron Boilers
Originators of the “Flexible Water Tube” design
Boiler Comparison Guide
Selecting the Proper Boiler
At Bryan, we understand the problem. That’s why we’ve
If you’re an engineer, an architect, a mechanical
contractor or a building owner, selecting or specifying
the right boiler is probably one of your many concerns.
Steel? Cast iron? Watertube? Firetube? With all the
conflictingopinions, reportsandliteratureincirculation,
it’s no easy task.
water tube boilers compare to firetube, cast iron and
other water tube boilers in several important areas. We
think you’ll find it helpful.
Installation costs. Because cast iron boilers come as
sectional units, substantial time-consuming assembly is
required. Steel boilers are shipped completely finished
or new buildings which have already been enclosed.
Bryan flexible water tube steel boilers, however, are
prepackaged units that may be easily disassembled
(“Knockdown™”) to precisely the degree necessary.
40 years
35 years
Service life. The best estimates we have on boiler
life expectancy are thirty-five years for cast iron units
and twenty-five years for firetube steel models. With
many boilers still on the job after forty to fifty years of
service, Bryan’s flexible water tube steel design has
demonstrated longevity equal to or better than that of
either alternative.
25 years
Boiler Longevity*
*Competitive flexible tube boilers not shown
due to inadequate experience.
Boiler Comparison Guide
How to put a new boiler through a 26 x 56 inch opening.
Bryan Knockdown™ construction allows entry into existing
buildings. You simply choose the degree of knock down
Replacement installations in existing buildings.
The opening of a wall required to replace an inefficient
or worn-out boiler with an assembled steel boiler is a
Bryan flexible water tube steel boilers, however, feature
Knockdown™ design which allows the unit to be easily
disassembled in stages. If necessary, the boiler may be
knocked down so it can be carried through entryways
smaller than a standard door.
New building installation and assembly. While
and the loss of parts by arriving at the job site in several
pieces at different times, Bryan flexible water tube steel
means the boiler arrives at the job site assembled and
ready for installation. In addition, Bryan boilers may be
shipped with or without tubes installed and, unlike cast
iron units, do not require any complicated assembly.
Space saving standard and
reverse construction
allows Bryan boilers to
share common service
space as in this renovated
boiler installation in a
middle school.
Boiler Comparison Guide
Space Requirements – 3,000 MBH Boiler
Other Water Tubes
Cast Iron
Competitive water tube boilers can require twice as much
space for service for half as much capacity. Bryans' standard
and reverse combination make it the best investment.
Cast iron boilers require a
section width area for service, floor space equal to boiler
equals wider foot print. size for tube removal.
Firetube boilers require
Space requirements. Bryan flexible water tube steel
cast iron units. The bent tube, removable from only one
side, requires approximately 24 to 32 inches of service
area, the same as most cast iron boilers.
With a firetube steel boiler, the floor space used by
the unit itself must be doubled in order to accommodate
tube replacement.
other hand, can be replaced by a general maintenance
worker in about thirty minutes.
Replacement tubes are available from Bryan
representatives within twenty-four hours. And, most
temporary tube repairs may be made in minutes allowing
operations to continue until replacement tubes arrive.
An additional space-saving benefit of Bryan flexible
water tube steel boilers is reverse construction. This
optional design allows two boilers to face each other,
thus sharing the same service area and saving space in
the mechanical room.
than either cast iron or firetube units.
Removinga Bryanboiler’sjacketaccessdoorandtube
panel exposes the entire bank of flexible water tubes.
An ordinary flue brush and vacuum cleaner are all that
is needed for complete cleaning.
the unit or tubes often means complete disassembly,
welding, rolling and an outside contractor. The water
tubes in a Bryan flexible water tube steel boiler, on the
Bryan design provides easy access
for the service and maintenance of
tubes and burner.
Boiler Comparison Guide
Our Efficiency is Guaranteed
For instance, a Bryan oil-fired hot water boiler can
be expected to operate in the 85% to 86% range, and
a forced draft gas hot water model in the 85% range.
laboratory results.
The Bryan flexible water tube steel boiler is offered in
ratings from 6 to 500 hp. This wide selection also helps
promote higher efficiency by allowing you to select a
boiler to match your requirements more closely.
reported for all types of boiler, particularly in advertising
and promotional materials. Most often, these claims are
based on factory laboratory tests.
Bryan flexible water tube steel boilers achieve 86%
efficiency in operation on actual job sites with normal
140° - 160°F return water temperature.
It should be noted that differences in efficiency will
always occur between water boilers and steam boilers
or gas-fired boilers and oil-fired boilers.
Multi-boiler installations and expansion. Because
from 6 to 500 hp, they are well-suited for multi-unit
In addition, the optional Bryan Energy Selector
provides oil and/or gas firing or alternate electric
power at the flip of a switch. This versatile feature is
not available in cast iron or firetube boilers.
When more than one boiler is used — whether due to
a lead/lag demand analyzer system that
protects efficiency by enabling the owner
to sequence only those boilers required to
meet the current load demand.
Fuel and firing options. Bryan flexible
water tube boilers are offered with either
forced draft or atmospheric gas firing.
or combination gas/oil.
Bryan’s Energy
Selector lets user
choose gas, oil or
electric firing with
the flip of a switch.
Bryan lead/lag
demand analyzer.
Boiler Comparison Guide
Specialty Applications
High-rise buildings. Cast iron boilers are generally
multiple indirect
copper heat
exchangers for
a variety of water
limited to operating pressure around 80 pounds. Bryan
flexible water tube boilers, however, can be provided for
working pressures up to or exceeding 150 psi, making
them ideal for high-rise buildings.
This option gives
you the flexibility
unit, in most cases, regardless of the application. Such
an arrangement reduces costs and saves mechanical
room space.
Steam process applications. Unlike low pressure cast
ironboilers, Bryanboilersarealsoavailablefornearlyany
steam process application from 15 to 300 psi.
Steel boiler water heaters. All Bryan flexible tube
steel water boilers can be ordered with single or
Bryan Benefits
Selection. In the full range of sizes to 500 hp, nobody
sells more water tube steel boilers than Bryan Steam.
A reputation for quality. Industry surveys repeatedly
show Bryan Steam flexible steel water tube boilers
as the predominant choice of leading engineers and
After more than 90+ years of providing the HVAC
industry with the finest boilers available, Bryan Steam
has a quality assurance and field service program
second to none. When you own Bryan boilers, more
than 120 experienced factory-trained sales and service
representative organizations located throughout
the world are always available for consultation and
American-made reliability. Bryan Steam’s Peru,
Indiana, manufacturing facility is one of the most
advanced boiler plants in the nation. All boiler parts are
made at this facility enabling Bryan to apply exacting
quality assurance standards in every stage of the
manufacturing process.
To assure fast service, Bryan keeps many packaged
boiler units in stock at the factory. All are available with
your choice of options, ready for immediate shipment.
Companion Products & Accessories
Companion products and accessories. Bryan’s
complete line includes these dependable, performance
Bryan components for maximum reliability and value.
gallons, diameters to 84؆, operating pressures from 30 to
250 psi. Protective linings, both phenolic and cement are
available. Insulated metal jacket optional.
Bryan exhaust heads. For oil-free
and water-free exhaust of steam. After
100 years, still the most reliable design
available. Flanged or threaded models
from 1؆ to 5؆, as well as flanged sizes
to 24؆.
Condensate return and boiler feed pump systems.
These are available for use with any steam boiler, both
low and high pressure. Standard in simplex, duplex or
special arrangements for multiple boiler installations are
available. Tanks constructed of heavy-duty steel.
Bryan deaerators. Remove dissolved gasses from
incoming make-up water with minimal steam loss.
Deaeratetoamaximum.005cc/literO2 and
Blowdown separators and tanks. Used during
dry steam to be vented to the atmosphere. Water may be
cooled if necessary to prevent thermal pollution.
0% CO2 Spray type deaerators available
through 60,000lb/hr. Tray type deaerators
have stainless steel trays, are available in
standard capacities from 5,000 to 300,000
Bryan overflow traps. Mechanical float controlled
traps with cast iron bodies, double sealed brass valves,
stainless steel ball floats. Sizes from 2؆ to 6؆ for use on
pressurized deaerators.
Hot water storage tanks. Bryan offers
standard tanks in capacities up to 5,000
Bryan Steam
Since 1916— pioneer and leader in flexible water tube boilers
In 1916 a locomotive engineer and steam power enthusiast named
George Bryan founded the Bryan Harvester Company, a small
manufacturing firm which produced steam powered tractors. The
rising popularity of the gasoline engine forced Bryan to abandon the
steam tractor in 1922, but it was not forgotten. The bent water tube
boiler which powered the tractor was extremely rugged, impervious
to thermal shock, compact, and easy to service, making it ideal
for other applications. Bryan Harvester became the Bryan Steam
Corporation and began refining and marketing that original boiler for
an array of uses. Today, Bryan Steam LLC continues to incorporate
many of the features found in the original Bryan Boilers. Applying the
advantages of past experience to projects for the future has made
Bryan the leader in the production of flexible water tube boilers for
more than three quarters of a century.
783 N. Chili Ave., Peru, Indiana 46970 U.S.A.
Form No. 5900-1
© 2008 Bryan Steam LLC
Printed in USA
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